Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Henoch-Schonlein purpura

So, I'm sure you had to look up the name to find out what in the world it is that my son had been diagnosed with! haha...Believe me, so did we! I'm sure others have wondered how we discovered this so I thought I'd give a little back ground...

Wednesday night Jayden came home from church complaining that he didn't want to walk to his room to get ready for bed. He complained that he was tired and had to run at church for class and didn't feel like it. Now if you know my son, he is the king of pain. "Go clean your room", "I can't my arm hurts sooooo bad!". So when he started complaining I could tell he was really in pain but we thought it was growing pains. We had also noticed two red dots on his leg. Stephen said they didn't look like spider bites so we didn't think anything of it.

Thursday morning Jayden got up and went to school. He said he still felt a little yucky but once he got going he seemed fine. By 11:00 his teacher told me he was complaining that he didn't feel good, looked a little pale and was complaining that his legs hurt. So I brought him home and he took a good long nap.

We had already planned to go on a camping trip and when he got up he said I feel better so we took off. He slept a little in the car and still said his arms and legs were hurting. When we arrived up to the camp grounds he wanted to just sit. It was 9:30 so we basically went to bed still thinking that it was just growing pains.

It wasn't until Friday morning we started to wonder. We got up really early and when I tried to help him dress I stood him up and he fell and said he couldn't stand. He didn't want to move his arms at all. He sat by the fire for a few hours before he went to fishing but we took a chair for him to sit in. Stephen ran to the small store and got him some medicine to give him since it didn't seem to be going away. When it started to warm up I had him take his sweater off and it took him a good 3 minutes just to get it off, he didn't want you to touch him or help. When he got it off he turned white and said he didn't feel so good. He threw up from the pain of moving his arms.

We also discovered at that time his dots had multiplied as well. This photo is when he was going home from the hospital. Some have already healed...
It was Friday around 5pm that we took him into ER because after talking to the Dr.'s nurse, he thought Jayden might have the beginning of meningitis. The meds had kicked in so he wasn't in much pain, was more chatty so we thought he might be getting better. The crazy thing was we had 3 different people looking at him and they didn't know what it was...finally a Dr. came in and diagnosed Henoch-Schonlein pupurpa (allergic purpura). At this time we had no idea what we were dealing with but they did a urine test and his kidneys came back with 1 protein (normal is 1-9) so they said he would be fine, just use meds to help with the pain, otherwise it would run it's course.

We were released and went back to the camp grounds to go to bed. Saturday morning he woke up at 4:30am sick and was sick all morning. It wasn't until about noon that he popped his head out of the tent and wanted to walk around. He would limp and not use one arm and then sat to watch everyone play. (This photo is of him watching the kids play from our tent...poor guy). We packed up camp and left just after dinner. We noticed on the way home that his hand was swollen but he seemed to be better otherwise.

Sunday morning he woke up and took a bath, ate breakfast, seemed to be better. But around lunch time he complained again of stomach pain and by dinner was sick, his knee was swollen so he was having a hard time walking, his arms hurt and he didn't want to be touched all over again. We gave him some meds again since he had gotten so bad.

When we took him in on Monday morning for the pediatric appointment. He could walk but didn't want to. I was pushing him in a wheel chair. He said he was hurting still. We had to go to the bathroom and from walking so much he got sick in the office. Before the urine test even came back the Dr. had spoken with the kidney and intestine specialist and they decided to admit him into the hospital. There was trace blood in his urine, which I hadn't even noticed.

Only a few hours after being on the steroids and IV fluids he was able to eat, keep food down and the pain was gone. It's amazing how fast he has turned around. His urine was red when we got to the hospital but that was the only time. His protein was at 100 and we will find out today where he is at since he's been home.

We had thought it would be a 6-8 week recovery but he seems to be doing better than we expected.

It is so great to see him moving around since he had been laying around for so many days. He is eating and keeping food down after not eating for days as well. At this point we have to see a kidney specialist for awhile to keep an eye on his kidneys, probably for a few years. But otherwise Jayden is doing much better.

I thank all my friends and family that prayed for my little boy.
He has made such a great turn around.
Thank you God! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

No More Ninnies!

My 3 year old daughter has finally given up her ninnie. Well, give up probably wouldn't be the best choice! If it was up to her she would not have chosen to give it up but without realizeing it she did! Now what's a ninnie you ask? I'm talking about the "P" word, also known as a paci, chupon, suckie, the Pacifier! lol

A few weekends ago I went away for our churches Woman's Advance. I left Friday after noon and came back Sunday afternoon. My kids stayed with grandpa for the weekend. (They had so much fun). When I left my sweet 3 year old had her ninnie hanging in her mouth, like she always does.

When she left with grandpa they took the ninnie with but she never asked for it, not once! So when I came home I decided to leave the ninnie with grandpa at his house so she wouldn't have one even if she asked.

Our first night she fell asleep but then woke up crying for her ninnie. She didn't just cry but threw a fit. One of those I'm so tired I don't know what to do with myself type of cries! This has happened a few other nights in the past week or so but I have stayed strong and not given it to her. It's amazing how big of a struggle a ninnie can be.

During the day she has only asked for it a few times but for the most part she has forgotten about it. My little girl is making another step to being a big girl. Though this is a happy step. I love seeing her and hearing her talk without that ninnie in her mouth! :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It takes a village...

Here we go again, yes another clip from The View! I already posted this clip about what mom's lie about...the 2nd half of this video is about taking a village to raise children. Here is the clip again if you want to watch it to see what they have to say about; taking a village...(it is the 2nd 1/2 of the clip, if you want to fast forward).

Hot Topics: What Do Moms Lie About?

When I went to The View website to find this clip I read this comment under this video...

It does not take a village to raise a child...

I have three children 6,8, and 17 (my kids do chores but are not responsible for each other, that is our job as the parents), full time job, part time home based business,coach two soccer teams with my husband (used to be three but too many game conflicts), a dog, a bearded dragon, my regular house chores, grad committees, dance classes, judo classes, and to top it off, I do not own a DISHWASHER....imagine having to do some hard work.

These new moms can't handle one child..they constantly whine until help comes.
People have to learn to become self sufficient and not rely on others to get them through life. This next generation is helpless...

Do you agree? I have to say when I read this, it made me mad! Growing up my mom was a single working parent raising 2 daughters (only 10 months 3 weeks apart). She had to work to support us, of course. She lived in Arizona and our entire family was in Iowa (where we from). My mom had no help of any kind. I never remember a babysitter from my childhood. We were left alone when we had to be. (Back then things were much different than now!)

When I grew up, had kids of my own I, in my own mind I have a hard time asking for help. I have always thought; these are my children and I have to do it myself. Even when I am in need of time off or have somewhere I need to be I feel guilty asking. One day I mentioned this to my mom. She laughed and said "Man, I would have LOVED help when you were little." It never crossed my mind that she may have wanted help (either from a spouse or family). I just knew she did it on her own, so I should too.

Thank goodness for my mother-in-law, who loves her grandchildren. I did not grow up with my grandparents around, so I was not used to family dynamics. I didn't have sleep overs with cousins or get to be picked up by grandparents. Though they would have loved to do those things we were states apart.

Over the years have learned to love the relationship that children can have with the grandparents, family, cousins, siblings. I have learned to ask for help (a little more). Though my mother-in-law has learned to ask to take the kids as well, since she know that I won't always do it! I can't imagine my in-laws not being around, God Blessed me with them when I had no family here with me! And has taught me so much through their relationships.

I think that a community goes beyond a family as well. Churches, schools and teachers all help our children grow. Our children are being shaped, molded and they growing into adults that go out into a larger village (outside the home) to help the next generation. How can't a village be involved!?

What are your thoughts? Do you think it takes a village to raise children?

Friday, September 2, 2011

What Do Moms Lie About?

Have you ever lied about your children to other moms? I got this topic again from The View. On the same day they had quite a few interesting topics! The link below is a video of the list of things that they say mom's have lied about, take a look...(It's 2mins 15sec...about 1min 45 sec is the clip I'm talking about.)

The View | Video | Hot Topics: What Do Moms Lie About?

I have to say that I have never lied about what my kids do, I really haven't. I've never tried to act like my kids were something they weren't. Whether good or bad. When they were a baby or even now. But I have compared my kids to other children and often bragged about them to others. Haven't all moms? From our labor stories to the development of your children for the first year; sitting, walking, talking. We compare as if it has a bearing on our parenting skills.

Well, here is my children in a nut shell; My first labor was almost 24 hour long! My kids never slept through the night as babies, in fact many of them still get up to come in my room in the middle of the night! My kids took until 2 years old to get all their teeth, my last one was 3 years old before she got her last two "I" teeth! They waited until they were 1 year old and one was 14 months before he walked. They all take their time but eventually all get there.

Things to feel guilty about??? I have left my kid in a dirty diaper, let them cry themselves to sleep, thought my kids were better behaved, yelled at them when I shouldn't have and have made sandwiches for dinner because I didn't want to cook...Nope, I'm not super mom!

But One thing I confess I was the queen of is... "My kids will never":

Mine will never... take off their shoes when we are out of the house (in the car or at church) so that we have to wait for them to get them back on before we can go in to the store...well, they do.

Mine will never...look dirty...well, we have many times looked like we just rolled out of bed!
Mine will never...throw a fit in the store...I remember a time when I walked through the store shopping while my child wailed (I had to shop, it was the only time I had) and they wanted to throw a fit, I just ignored them! Much to the stares of others! lol

Mine will never...sleep with me...HAHA...they still do! I don't care!

Mine will never...have a pacifier past a certain age...My 3 year old still has hers!

We all have been there...if our kids are loved and know it, who cares!!! Don't you agree!!!??? :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do you want to be a mom?

I sat down to watch The View the other day. It happened to be the day that a mom was on talking about how she didn't want to be a mom. It was an interesting topic and quite controversial. The link below is her interview on The View, it's about 7 minutes long.

I remember about 12 years ago I realized I just wanted to be a wife, mom and have lots of kids. Now being a mother of five, it is very hard for me to imagine leaving my children. I can barely ask for help to have someone watch them so I can go out and do something on my own. I miss them and want the with me.

This particular mom said at one point in her interview that she loved her kids but not in the middle of the night when they were sick. For me those are the times I love. Not the kids being sick or having to clean it up but the part of taking care of them. Of course you hate the lack of sleep but the moment when your child needs you and wants you to take care of them is the part that fills my heart with the joy of motherhood, the bonding with your child at times that others don't get.

Listening to her, I do logically understand. I know woman deserve lives of their own. We have ambitions, goals, dreams. I recently read a book by Joyce Meyer called; Any Minute. (You can see my full blog on my coffee corner page about the book - it is a fiction story). The mother in this book was working her way up the corporate ladder and in the mean time loosing her family because she invested more time at work that with her husband and children. It took a horrific accident for her to slow down. She didn't quit working, didn't become a full time mom but in the end she learned to balance her work life with her family and the way she treated people changed.

They mention in this interview how; if it was a man it wouldn't be an issue but because it was a woman it's controversial. What are your thoughts?

I think I come back to these questions; At what cost are things worth it? When you get to the top of the ladder and your alone is it worth it? I really do think that what works for one doesn't work for all but relationships are part of the Christian life...where is the balance?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Am I the only mom?

I was talking to a friend, a mom, the other night and she asked me if I ever get a break! Well, yes and no. I mean I get my moments through out the day, I sit and veg and make the kids play in their rooms, I'm sitting at the computer writing this blog (with only one kids home). I even left my oldest daughter to watch her siblings while I went to coffee with a friend that came in town with her new baby. Oh, don't forget, I also have after they go to bed...but I'm usually tired by then! There isn't many true "breaks". And the coffee breaks happen far and few between.

When my mom came to visit for 7 days she said she didn't know how I get anything done. My school schedule is way more tame this year (so happy about that). But she said you don't get time alone and your so busy. I remember she had just mopped the front entry while I ran to get my son from school. We came in the door, he kicked off his shoes and sand flew all over the freshly mopped floor. I just busted out laughing and said; "That's why I don't clean!"

Woman are not like men, at least it is this way for me. I don't get to call up a girlfriend and say "Hey, you wanna get together, right now?" As a mom, I can't just drop what I'm doing and run out the door. I have so many things to consider, is my husband going to be home? Is there any other activity happening already? How long will I be gone? What time of day is it; nap time, time to pick up kids or bed time? I'm a planner, I have to schedule coffee dates, scrapbook nights, time to go to the store! It makes it a lot harder to invest in friendships with five others at home to consider.

When I was talking to my friend the other night I told her that I don't mind. I am being honest when I say that, I really don't mind. My dream was to be a mommy, to have lots of kids. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love motherhood...

BUT, I would be lying if I said I don't want a break every now and then or sometimes more than that! I am looking forward to our Women's Advance coming up in September, which I have not gone to in 2 years! I will be gone for 2 days!!! I get lonely as a mom since the only conversation I have on a daily basis is with children and would love an adult conversation! Am I the only mom? I don't think so...

Only a short while after talking to my one friend about motherhood I talked to another friend, also a mom, who is feeling the loneliness of friendship, just like me. I realized that my friend who lives near me and another friend states apart from me both feel the same. We, as moms, miss friendships.

Is it something we have to give up as moms? I see other mom's that have BFF's and hang out but maybe it's not my season right now. This is the time in my life when I invest in my kids. But I don't want to loose me in the process.

I think there needs to be a balance. Knowing I'm not alone helps but making sure I plan getting away when I can helps a lot. Tell me, Am I the only mom???

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Chore Charts

My mother say's she called our chore chart growing up, "The Musty Dusty Cleaning". I don't remember it, though I do remember having chores. I can't tell you what they were but it's a part of growing up, whether you like it or not. And here I am, all grown up still having chores and now trying to teach my kids!

With 5 children my house is not company worthy 99% of the time! I love that feeling when that 1% arrives but it is always so short lived. My kids are pretty good about putting things away but they are kids and have to be reminded. Everyone complains or has excuses, so...

One day I was tired of the messes, tired of repeating myself on what to do every day. It's amazing how you can do the same thing every day yet no one remembers what it was! So I sat down on the computer looked up chore charts and created my own. When I was done I printed it out, put it on the fridge and showed all the kids. They each have their name, color and chore lists. I was pretty excited. Here is just two of the kids chore lists. They all look the same but the chores vary.It's been a few weeks of using our lists and I am in love with our chore charts. I wonder why I never had them before now! I don't have to follow them around. All I have to say is, "Go read your list" and they do. They can see what they need to do and when. I even made a Saturday chore list. Each of them has a chore list based on their age and what they are capable of doing. This past week I was gone on Saturday morning. I didn't get home until lunch time and they all surprised me by having their chores done before I got home! Had the list not been there that would never have happened!
Things run so much smoother now. Next project, How to get boys to clean together and not play!!! LOL. It's always something!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Giving up the toddler beds

My oldest daughter, Aryianna got new bedding for Christmas and got a new bedroom in January. At the time we took down her day bed, stored it in the garage to put her new loft bed up. At the time I was not prepared to let go of the toddler beds in the younger girls room, so they stayed.

Now six months later, my daughter Akayla-Joy was outgrowing her toddler bed and I realized it was time. This past Saturday I got up the energy to not only clean and organize their room but pulled out the day bed, put it together and pulled out the toddler beds to the garage this time.

If your like me, your sentimental. I hang on to things that have meaning. I love the little things and hate change. I wanted my girls to have their toddler beds for as long as they could because it's the last time I will have toddler beds in the house. But as they all grown and I see the changes and have time to accept them, I realize the next faze is just as great as the one previously.

I am in love with their room now. Though Alaya is only going to be 3 in June and they are both small for their new "big girl" bed, it's perfect for them to share. As they grow up we have a trundle so they can add a mattress. But again, lets not jump step at a time for me! LOLEvery day I'm reminded in something little that the kids are getting bigger. The school year is ending which means they are now entering the next grade, they say something I don't expect or I notice they are taller when their pants are all of a sudden too short!

I just have to take a deep breathe and embrace the changes as they come!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mother's Day

I really enjoyed my Mother's Day this year. We didn't do anything extravagant, my kids didn't get me any big present. I got the best gift, a day spent with my family. My oldest daughter woke me up and made me breakfast in bed; scrambled eggs and English muffins! So sweet.

The week before they were all bringing home gifts from church and school of things that they had made, asking if they could show me. I kept telling them to wait, I wanted to be surprised on Mother's Day. So finally the day came and they were all so excited running to their rooms to get all their goodies and bring them to me.

My oldest daughter had made me cards, she loves to make cards. She has gotten the scrap booking bug from her mom! Jaylen made a growing flower with his photo and a caterpillar magnet. Jayden gave me a silver box and sang me a song; If I had a box to put my mommy was super cute. Inside he was so excited for me to get an oreo cookie (he knows mommy loves chocolate!) He also made me flowers (ones that will never die, haha). Akayla-Joy made me a poster with her hands and a flower magnet. Even Alaya had made me a card with the help of her big sister. (Sorry the picture is sideways, it's not on my computer but turns when uploaded!)

They are the best gifts, ones that took time to make and thought put into them.

We spent the day at my in-laws hanging out. My favorite thing, hanging with family. I'm so proud to be a mommy of five. I am asked all the time how do you do it? And I think...I couldn't imagine my life any other way.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Family

My mom, from Arizona and my sister, from Georgia came to visit me this past week. I had not seen my mom in about a year and half or my sister in about 5 years. My sister and me grew up together and the first time we were separated was when I moved away after I graduated from High School. Since then we've only seen each other 6 times in a 14 year time span. And those 6 times vary from 20 minutes in an airport layover on my way through to another destination to 6 days.

It's hard to hear about how some families live in the same town and never see each other or that having family functions are so much work. What I wouldn't give to have the opportunity to see my family or everyone get together at least once a year!

Growing up I didn't have a big family and we didn't live near extended family either. So the thought of having a big family was my dream. Thus why I wanted more than a few children!

I have gotten used to not seeing my family or being around them on a regular basis since I was a kid. It is what it is. It's never been easy and now as a mom, it only seems harder. When you finally get together the time goes way to fast and saying good-bye is way too hard because you don't know when the next time will be. My son Jaylen cried the entire car ride home because he had to say good-bye. He's just like his mama!

It is hard to imagine my children growing up and moving away from me. I can't bear to think of it now. Yet if God calls them somewhere else, I know I will have to let them go. Times like this past week with my family help remind me how important family is and to make the most of every moment. Make them count. Enjoy each others company. One day they will all be grown and out of the house and I will miss the noise, and maybe even the messes they make to show that they are here. I want to make memories with them to remember for tomorrow!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh, those 2 year olds!

Have you ever tried to put a two year old to bed? Now I have 5 kids and each one has had their turn of trying to get out of bed and stay up late. Some still do even as they have gotten older. Then I have the few that actually fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow and they don't get up til morning.

NOT my two year old. I think it's part of the two year old phase. I love babies. They are so cute, fun to hold, dress. I love watching them learn all new things, smiling, rolling, walking. But I also love the two year old stage when they are so little and talk so much, learning new words and copying everyone. Like little people.

But I do not like putting a two year old to bed. I always hated transitioning from a play pin/crib to a toddler bed. When they are in a play pin or crib they are stuck. They can cry but eventually they realize I might as well go to bed. Once they hit that toddler bed, they are free!

Just when I think I have a routine down, my two year old decides to change it on me. Especially if you change your schedule, stay out late or no nap. So many factors can make a big difference in a two year olds life.

It amazes me how much you can love your little child but also how utterly frustrating such a task as bed time can be! I will get so upset and see her melting from exhaustion and finally pick her up and let her lay in my lap and she is out in two seconds.

As I stare at her face my frustration melts turns my love boils to the surface. It's amazing how peaceful they look when they are asleep. I see how big she has gotten, how fast she is growing and realize she is the baby getting so big and one day I will not be able to hold her like this. I kiss her on her face, watch her crinkle her nose and enjoy her for a moment. One day the "terrible two's" will be gone and new "frustrations" will take the place of bed time. But the one thing that will always stay the same is that it is all worth it!

One of Those Days!

True Story...

The other day my 2 year old daughter came up to me to tell me that she went "poo poo". She is in the transition stage of potty training but I have not yet taken the task on to graduate her from diapers to big girl underwear. I asked her to get me a diaper and took her to the bathroom. I knew that we were out of wipes so my thought was to wet down some toilet paper. Great idea!

As I pulled down her pants I discovered that at some point she had taken off her diaper, put on one of her 4 year old sisters underwear and got her pants back on without me ever seeing her do it! So, of course no diaper means it was all in her underwear.

As I attempt to "wipe off" her bottom with wet toilet paper, I realize this task is getting a little out of control. I decide plan on a plan "B". I sat her up so that I can pick her up and she steps in her underwear. So now we have a dirty bottom and a dirty foot! I hurry to get her to the sink to wash her off and knock her head on the door frame. Now, I have a crying 2 year old sitting with a dirty bottom and foot in the sink in the bathroom, trying to wash her clean!

Have you just had one of those moments or maybe one of those days. It almost feels like your in a comedy show, rather than really living this moment out. I couldn't help but laugh as I cleaned her up, helped her stop crying and dried her tears. When we were all done I had a great story to tell her when she got older and one less pair of underwear. (I was not about to take that task on, I choose my battles and that was not one!)

Sometimes we have to remember to take a deep breath in and blow it out and take the time to laugh!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No motivation

I don't know about you but as I sit here I look around me and my house is a disaster. There are quite a few projects I "could" start, or finish even. Then there are the daily "chores". When I start to pick up, I begin to ask myself; "When did that happen? I didn't do that, I didn't eat that, I didn't use that! So, why am I supposed to clean it?" I begin to feel like my children and think to myself; "But I don't wanna"!

For instance; It took me weeks to start transitioning my daughters closet. One of those projects that I know takes time. Both girls are out growing their clothes, so I need to pull out the new and box up the old. I finally started and at this point it's in the "looks worse than when I started stage". Now that I've started it I have to finish because I have company coming in just a few days. I have motivation pushing me to get there for this particular project but that isn't always the case.

On other days I can't seem to find that motivation. There are dishes that pile up, laundry that sits in the hall to be washed and dusting that I never seem to get to. The daily grind of house keeping that I just want to give up on. With seven people living in the house, it can get tiring picking up after all of them!

I look around me and can't help but sometimes compare myself with other moms. There are the mom's that are stylish and put together, I drop my kids off at school in my jammies. Then the creative mom, always working on projects or creating things. There is the mom that has a house always in order, while I am frantic if I hear someone is dropping by. There are also the mom's with the most well behaved kids, I have had many times trying to shop with a screaming kid in the store or my children running crazy in the church (where we of course are supposed to "look" together!). I begin to wonder what type of mom others see in me. I feel many times I'm none of the ones I listed above.

I many times finish a day feeling like I accomplished nothing, I failed in some way or could have done better some how. I would hope that I am not alone in these feelings, as a mom.

But then we have to ask ourselves "By what and who's standards are we comparing ourselves to? Who are we supposed to be living for?" God gave me these children, He entrusted their lives to me. I was chosen to be their mother for a reason. I need to mirror Him for them. And when I fall short run back to His feet to be renewed. Get up and begin again.

I still have my days where I feel so accomplished, others days where I come up short but most of all I have learned to give myself a break. Still I wonder, What gets or keeps you motivated?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Give Credit Where Credit is Due

It was recently brought to my attention that I had not mentioned my husband, Stephen in my previous blogs and it wasn't until then that I realized how true that was. So I immediately was reminded of a few videos I had seen a while back by Anita Renfroe about Moms and Dads. I thought it fit perfectly. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I still do!

Now, all kidding aside... My husband has been a meat cutter at BelAir for almost 10 years now! And his job is the main reason that I was and still am able to stay home with my children.

My husband has worked hard for 9 years, starting as a clerk working his way up to a meat cutter and he continues to work hard each and every day. I am truly proud of him. The last few months have been a little rough but he has come out of it with great character! He is a great provider for our family.

Our children adore him and love spending every moment that they can with him. With his job comes odd hours but he gets good time in with the kids, even if it's just to pick them up in his jeep! (They usually have to keep track of who's turn it is because there is only enough room for 3 at a time).

God knew I needed Stephen in my life. We are complete opposites in so many ways. Yet there are other ways we are completely on the same page. And one of them is our commitment to this family and our children! We were talking the other day about how you never know what the future holds and so crazy to see 9 years after we were married the life we have now! I would "yes" all over again!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Conversation With My Daughter

My 4 year old daughter, Akayla-Joy and me were laying in bed face-to-face. She was talking about the movie we watched earlier that day; Tangled. (For those that haven't seen it yet, I am going to give pieces away!)

Akayla-Joy: So, why did her hair turn brown?
Mommy: Because when they cut it, it would turn brown
Akayla-Joy: Why was her mom evil?
Mommy: Sometimes people are that way

Akayla-Joy: So, why did God flood the earth, I know that people were evil but why did he flood it?
Mommy: Because people were evil and it made God sad
Akayla-Joy: Well, why did God make them evil?
Mommy: He didn't, but some people grow up and forget that God loves them and they don't love Him.
Akayla-Joy: We have to grow up and remember to love God. Like you, you grew up and you remembered!
Mommy: Yes, I did!

Akayla-Joy: So, when Jesus died on the cross, did he come back alive and go to heaven?
Mommy: Yes he did
Akayla-Joy: Is that how Jonathan went to heaven?
Mommy: I explained how Jesus went in body and Jonathan went in spirit but they are both in heaven.

Then she say's "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." I couldn't believe the deep conversation I had just had with my 4 year old daughter! It showed how our children pay attention. We did Noah's Ark in one of our family devotions, a few weeks ago, from the books from our church and she remembered! They do listen!

God has entrusted us with these little people to help guide them. We have a very important job! Proverbs 22:6; Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. Reminds me how I need to be more mindful of what I am teaching!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mommy Support

I have been a stay-at-home mom for about four years. Before I was able to stay home, I have to say that I had an amazing job. I worked there for about 3 years. During that time I was able to take my children with me to work. (Aryianna was already in school by now). Jaylen came to work with me until he was a year old, Jayden came with me until he was about 8 months and Akayla-Joy until she was about a year old! Not many have that opportunity. To earn income and spend time with their children. I had the best of both worlds.

During that time, I never had to miss out on the little moments. During the first year they change so much, I wanted to be there for all the firsts. From a first word, first tooth to the first steps. And with each child it was the same excitement as the one before, each was unique to who they were. I am so glad that I have a video camera and was able to video taped so many moments of when my kids were little. They go by so fast and I have forgotten them, replaced with today. I often forget a month ago, let alone how it was to see them so little! For me it would have been so hard to drop my children off and not see those first's happen. And then when Akayla-Joy turned one I was finally able to do what I had always wanted, to stay home with my children!

I have been blessed. Blessed with five children of all sorts of personalities, character, love languages and gifts. Each one of them teaching me something new every day, even sometimes every minute.

With that, I am also in need of me time. I look forward to moments alone. (Which often does not include when taking a shower or using the restroom!) I look forward to uninterrupted "me" time! So when those few and far between moments that I get adult conversation, or an occasional coffee date, I really do enjoy them!

I thought it might be interesting to use my blog to talk about the ups and downs of motherhood. The hardest but most rewarding job there is! I would love to get feed back from other mom's so that we are be able to encourage one another. Because face it, many times the only catching up I do is on Facebook!

We moms need to be there for each other, in whatever way we can. And this is my attempt to do that! I hope in some way, even if just for myself, I can grow as a mom for my children! God Bless!