Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh, those 2 year olds!

Have you ever tried to put a two year old to bed? Now I have 5 kids and each one has had their turn of trying to get out of bed and stay up late. Some still do even as they have gotten older. Then I have the few that actually fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow and they don't get up til morning.

NOT my two year old. I think it's part of the two year old phase. I love babies. They are so cute, fun to hold, dress. I love watching them learn all new things, smiling, rolling, walking. But I also love the two year old stage when they are so little and talk so much, learning new words and copying everyone. Like little people.

But I do not like putting a two year old to bed. I always hated transitioning from a play pin/crib to a toddler bed. When they are in a play pin or crib they are stuck. They can cry but eventually they realize I might as well go to bed. Once they hit that toddler bed, they are free!

Just when I think I have a routine down, my two year old decides to change it on me. Especially if you change your schedule, stay out late or no nap. So many factors can make a big difference in a two year olds life.

It amazes me how much you can love your little child but also how utterly frustrating such a task as bed time can be! I will get so upset and see her melting from exhaustion and finally pick her up and let her lay in my lap and she is out in two seconds.

As I stare at her face my frustration melts turns my love boils to the surface. It's amazing how peaceful they look when they are asleep. I see how big she has gotten, how fast she is growing and realize she is the baby getting so big and one day I will not be able to hold her like this. I kiss her on her face, watch her crinkle her nose and enjoy her for a moment. One day the "terrible two's" will be gone and new "frustrations" will take the place of bed time. But the one thing that will always stay the same is that it is all worth it!

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