Monday, March 26, 2012

Picking up the "poo" in life!

I finished reading My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife a few weeks ago and she said something that made me think.

She was talking about how she was taking her dog out to go potty in their apartment complex. They had an area for dogs to go potty but that many people never picked up after their dogs and how it really bothered her.

This particular day she saw a man walking his dog and as she walked past him his dog had done it's business. She offered to get him a bag (they provided them by the trash can) and not only offered him one but picked it up for him.

She said that she wanted to serve him like Jesus, even if he didn't realize it.  She thought maybe next time she sees him she might get the chance to ask where he goes to church. She had a purpose in mind, heavenly goals!

She didn't just stop there but brought it home. That we as moms pick up poo all day long in our home. Maybe not always literally poo but there are many forms! Laundry, taxiing kids around, homework, dishes, etc., etc. We many times avoid these jobs, putting them off. She talked about how she even replaced these tasks with ministry and other "events".

She thought about her reason for picking up poo for the guy and wondered if that's not also the reason why we do those things for our families!

And then she made this statement;

"We reflect Jesus in the small things so our families can see Him in the bigger."

I also read a book on Joe Elston, from our church. A few years ago he passed away from cancer and his daughter wrote a memoir on his life. He was an amazing father and a great man of God. He wasn't on a huge platform and didn't speak from the pulpit but he considered his role in life important.

Joe was interested in helping others dreams come true.
Joe was invested in his children and raising them to serve God.

It really challenged me on how my children will see me when they grow up. Will I pick up "poo" for my children and consider it a blessing to do so? Knowing it's for a bigger purpose?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Do you feel alone even in a crowded room?

I recently read the book My So Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife. I enjoyed the book. I thought the author was quite funny in her quest for being a Proverb 31 Wife. How she fell short in so many ways but in the end shows you that it's what works for your family that makes you who you are.

Anyway, at one point in her book her family had just moved to a new city and she hadn't really met anyone yet. Her only interaction with other woman was in the office. She goes on to tell how as a child she had moved around a lot and it became easier to throw relationships away and replace it with activity. To-do lists and accomplishments. She made this statement, "I think loneliness hits too many of us more than we are willing to admit." Well Amen sister all by myself!

She remembered a conversation about the very thing with a friend in the town they had just moved from. They were two woman sitting together, having lunch and yet they still felt the weight of loneliness!

I don't know about you but I have many times been in a room crowded with other women and still feel completely alone!

I thought it was interesting how she said it was easy to replace friendships with to-do lists. If we keep busy, even if it's activities for our kids and family we don't have to think of ways to develop friendships, which I think, at least for me, can be very difficult.

Growing up I had the same experience. For whatever reason (we were not a military family) we moved every two years. And because of that I had to change schools every two years as well. By the time I got into Jr. High I had been to four different grade schools. It may not have been that many but for me as a kid, it became harder and harder to meet friends. I became very quiet and shy. Even as I got older it was tough to go up to just introduce myself. I to this day have to push away my insecurities to step up and put myself out there for others to get to know me!

But God wants us to have friendship! He created us for friendship with others! Even in Hebrews 10:25 he says; Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

I was then reading another book Don't Sweat The Small Stuff and it happened to be on Bosom Buddy's. She told a story about how she went with a friend (her bosom buddy) to an appointment together to support each other. They were able to laugh their way through something that was uncomfortable for them do to alone. She encouraged that each of us need that buddy, someone to lean on.

Now I know as moms this can be tough. We legitimately are busy. It's not just to-do lists. We have kids to run around a house to keep in order. We truly have "stuff" to get done. Our lives are so busy! I don't have much time to run out and have "girl time". But I am trying to challenge myself to step out and put myself out there!

I want to become a good friend to the friends I already have. I want them to go beyond the surface. I want to get to know others. Let's put our to-do list aside and invest in girlfriends!