Thursday, September 22, 2011

No More Ninnies!

My 3 year old daughter has finally given up her ninnie. Well, give up probably wouldn't be the best choice! If it was up to her she would not have chosen to give it up but without realizeing it she did! Now what's a ninnie you ask? I'm talking about the "P" word, also known as a paci, chupon, suckie, the Pacifier! lol

A few weekends ago I went away for our churches Woman's Advance. I left Friday after noon and came back Sunday afternoon. My kids stayed with grandpa for the weekend. (They had so much fun). When I left my sweet 3 year old had her ninnie hanging in her mouth, like she always does.

When she left with grandpa they took the ninnie with but she never asked for it, not once! So when I came home I decided to leave the ninnie with grandpa at his house so she wouldn't have one even if she asked.

Our first night she fell asleep but then woke up crying for her ninnie. She didn't just cry but threw a fit. One of those I'm so tired I don't know what to do with myself type of cries! This has happened a few other nights in the past week or so but I have stayed strong and not given it to her. It's amazing how big of a struggle a ninnie can be.

During the day she has only asked for it a few times but for the most part she has forgotten about it. My little girl is making another step to being a big girl. Though this is a happy step. I love seeing her and hearing her talk without that ninnie in her mouth! :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It takes a village...

Here we go again, yes another clip from The View! I already posted this clip about what mom's lie about...the 2nd half of this video is about taking a village to raise children. Here is the clip again if you want to watch it to see what they have to say about; taking a village...(it is the 2nd 1/2 of the clip, if you want to fast forward).

Hot Topics: What Do Moms Lie About?

When I went to The View website to find this clip I read this comment under this video...

It does not take a village to raise a child...

I have three children 6,8, and 17 (my kids do chores but are not responsible for each other, that is our job as the parents), full time job, part time home based business,coach two soccer teams with my husband (used to be three but too many game conflicts), a dog, a bearded dragon, my regular house chores, grad committees, dance classes, judo classes, and to top it off, I do not own a DISHWASHER....imagine having to do some hard work.

These new moms can't handle one child..they constantly whine until help comes.
People have to learn to become self sufficient and not rely on others to get them through life. This next generation is helpless...

Do you agree? I have to say when I read this, it made me mad! Growing up my mom was a single working parent raising 2 daughters (only 10 months 3 weeks apart). She had to work to support us, of course. She lived in Arizona and our entire family was in Iowa (where we from). My mom had no help of any kind. I never remember a babysitter from my childhood. We were left alone when we had to be. (Back then things were much different than now!)

When I grew up, had kids of my own I, in my own mind I have a hard time asking for help. I have always thought; these are my children and I have to do it myself. Even when I am in need of time off or have somewhere I need to be I feel guilty asking. One day I mentioned this to my mom. She laughed and said "Man, I would have LOVED help when you were little." It never crossed my mind that she may have wanted help (either from a spouse or family). I just knew she did it on her own, so I should too.

Thank goodness for my mother-in-law, who loves her grandchildren. I did not grow up with my grandparents around, so I was not used to family dynamics. I didn't have sleep overs with cousins or get to be picked up by grandparents. Though they would have loved to do those things we were states apart.

Over the years have learned to love the relationship that children can have with the grandparents, family, cousins, siblings. I have learned to ask for help (a little more). Though my mother-in-law has learned to ask to take the kids as well, since she know that I won't always do it! I can't imagine my in-laws not being around, God Blessed me with them when I had no family here with me! And has taught me so much through their relationships.

I think that a community goes beyond a family as well. Churches, schools and teachers all help our children grow. Our children are being shaped, molded and they growing into adults that go out into a larger village (outside the home) to help the next generation. How can't a village be involved!?

What are your thoughts? Do you think it takes a village to raise children?

Friday, September 2, 2011

What Do Moms Lie About?

Have you ever lied about your children to other moms? I got this topic again from The View. On the same day they had quite a few interesting topics! The link below is a video of the list of things that they say mom's have lied about, take a look...(It's 2mins 15sec...about 1min 45 sec is the clip I'm talking about.)

The View | Video | Hot Topics: What Do Moms Lie About?

I have to say that I have never lied about what my kids do, I really haven't. I've never tried to act like my kids were something they weren't. Whether good or bad. When they were a baby or even now. But I have compared my kids to other children and often bragged about them to others. Haven't all moms? From our labor stories to the development of your children for the first year; sitting, walking, talking. We compare as if it has a bearing on our parenting skills.

Well, here is my children in a nut shell; My first labor was almost 24 hour long! My kids never slept through the night as babies, in fact many of them still get up to come in my room in the middle of the night! My kids took until 2 years old to get all their teeth, my last one was 3 years old before she got her last two "I" teeth! They waited until they were 1 year old and one was 14 months before he walked. They all take their time but eventually all get there.

Things to feel guilty about??? I have left my kid in a dirty diaper, let them cry themselves to sleep, thought my kids were better behaved, yelled at them when I shouldn't have and have made sandwiches for dinner because I didn't want to cook...Nope, I'm not super mom!

But One thing I confess I was the queen of is... "My kids will never":

Mine will never... take off their shoes when we are out of the house (in the car or at church) so that we have to wait for them to get them back on before we can go in to the store...well, they do.

Mine will never...look dirty...well, we have many times looked like we just rolled out of bed!
Mine will never...throw a fit in the store...I remember a time when I walked through the store shopping while my child wailed (I had to shop, it was the only time I had) and they wanted to throw a fit, I just ignored them! Much to the stares of others! lol

Mine will never...sleep with me...HAHA...they still do! I don't care!

Mine will never...have a pacifier past a certain age...My 3 year old still has hers!

We all have been there...if our kids are loved and know it, who cares!!! Don't you agree!!!??? :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do you want to be a mom?

I sat down to watch The View the other day. It happened to be the day that a mom was on talking about how she didn't want to be a mom. It was an interesting topic and quite controversial. The link below is her interview on The View, it's about 7 minutes long.

I remember about 12 years ago I realized I just wanted to be a wife, mom and have lots of kids. Now being a mother of five, it is very hard for me to imagine leaving my children. I can barely ask for help to have someone watch them so I can go out and do something on my own. I miss them and want the with me.

This particular mom said at one point in her interview that she loved her kids but not in the middle of the night when they were sick. For me those are the times I love. Not the kids being sick or having to clean it up but the part of taking care of them. Of course you hate the lack of sleep but the moment when your child needs you and wants you to take care of them is the part that fills my heart with the joy of motherhood, the bonding with your child at times that others don't get.

Listening to her, I do logically understand. I know woman deserve lives of their own. We have ambitions, goals, dreams. I recently read a book by Joyce Meyer called; Any Minute. (You can see my full blog on my coffee corner page about the book - it is a fiction story). The mother in this book was working her way up the corporate ladder and in the mean time loosing her family because she invested more time at work that with her husband and children. It took a horrific accident for her to slow down. She didn't quit working, didn't become a full time mom but in the end she learned to balance her work life with her family and the way she treated people changed.

They mention in this interview how; if it was a man it wouldn't be an issue but because it was a woman it's controversial. What are your thoughts?

I think I come back to these questions; At what cost are things worth it? When you get to the top of the ladder and your alone is it worth it? I really do think that what works for one doesn't work for all but relationships are part of the Christian life...where is the balance?