Thursday, September 22, 2011

No More Ninnies!

My 3 year old daughter has finally given up her ninnie. Well, give up probably wouldn't be the best choice! If it was up to her she would not have chosen to give it up but without realizeing it she did! Now what's a ninnie you ask? I'm talking about the "P" word, also known as a paci, chupon, suckie, the Pacifier! lol

A few weekends ago I went away for our churches Woman's Advance. I left Friday after noon and came back Sunday afternoon. My kids stayed with grandpa for the weekend. (They had so much fun). When I left my sweet 3 year old had her ninnie hanging in her mouth, like she always does.

When she left with grandpa they took the ninnie with but she never asked for it, not once! So when I came home I decided to leave the ninnie with grandpa at his house so she wouldn't have one even if she asked.

Our first night she fell asleep but then woke up crying for her ninnie. She didn't just cry but threw a fit. One of those I'm so tired I don't know what to do with myself type of cries! This has happened a few other nights in the past week or so but I have stayed strong and not given it to her. It's amazing how big of a struggle a ninnie can be.

During the day she has only asked for it a few times but for the most part she has forgotten about it. My little girl is making another step to being a big girl. Though this is a happy step. I love seeing her and hearing her talk without that ninnie in her mouth! :)

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