Monday, February 21, 2011

One of Those Days!

True Story...

The other day my 2 year old daughter came up to me to tell me that she went "poo poo". She is in the transition stage of potty training but I have not yet taken the task on to graduate her from diapers to big girl underwear. I asked her to get me a diaper and took her to the bathroom. I knew that we were out of wipes so my thought was to wet down some toilet paper. Great idea!

As I pulled down her pants I discovered that at some point she had taken off her diaper, put on one of her 4 year old sisters underwear and got her pants back on without me ever seeing her do it! So, of course no diaper means it was all in her underwear.

As I attempt to "wipe off" her bottom with wet toilet paper, I realize this task is getting a little out of control. I decide plan on a plan "B". I sat her up so that I can pick her up and she steps in her underwear. So now we have a dirty bottom and a dirty foot! I hurry to get her to the sink to wash her off and knock her head on the door frame. Now, I have a crying 2 year old sitting with a dirty bottom and foot in the sink in the bathroom, trying to wash her clean!

Have you just had one of those moments or maybe one of those days. It almost feels like your in a comedy show, rather than really living this moment out. I couldn't help but laugh as I cleaned her up, helped her stop crying and dried her tears. When we were all done I had a great story to tell her when she got older and one less pair of underwear. (I was not about to take that task on, I choose my battles and that was not one!)

Sometimes we have to remember to take a deep breath in and blow it out and take the time to laugh!

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