Life can be mundane. We live in a society of instant pleasure. From fast food, microwaves, to instant t.v. with out commercials! It's hard for us to sometimes just sit. Things are passing us by and we feel we need to join the race. The day in day out can get old. Laundry, picking up the house, doing the dishes...again! We finish a project feel some sort of progress to get up the next day and start over. Many times doing the exact same things we did the day before.
Sometimes I catch myself looking forward to the next activity. Sunday church, Wens night classes, a sports activity, grocery shopping, an event that we've been looking forward to for a few weeks or so. We plan for the next days ahead, preparing, counting down days. All the while forgetting to focus on the present.
Today you have the chance to enjoy life, to love more, to grow more. To teach your children, enjoy the small moments. I sometimes stop when the kids and me are in the car or at the table just laughing at something and think; "These are the moments I want to remember."
We see our kids always wanting to grow up and we think or even say "Enjoy being a kid while you can." For those that are married we say to those looking for a spouse "Enjoy being single while you can." For those waiting for a baby we say; "Enjoy your sleep while you can." But now that I'm married, have children I feel like telling myself; "Slow down and enjoy today, while you can."
I know it's hard when your kids are little you can't wait til they are bigger and sleep through the night. Then when they are bigger and can take care of themselves. Always looking to the next stage. Time does fly and we can't get back those moments spent looking to the future. Days, weeks and months will come. Let's enjoy today, even in the mundane!!!
*Don't Sweat The Small Stuff by Kristine Carlson*
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