As moms we are still woman. Whether we work outside the home or inside the home, we are also wives, friends, daughters and more. Being a woman affects all the areas of our life. At home, work, even when we go to the store. Things can be stressful, we have time crunches, chores to get done, kids to pick up, dinner to get ready. The list goes on and on.
I thought this book fit great for me at this time. I would love to share some thoughts with you as well. I will revise and add my stories to some of the short chapters that Kristine Carlson writes.
"I am Woman, I am invincible, I am tired!"
Does that fit you? I know it does me! I learned a while back that I had to cut things out of my schedule for my own sanity. I think all of us have overbooked ourselves at one time or another.
There are time when it can get busy for a season, say for t-ball. When t-ball season starts I know that for 6 weeks we will have a "season" of business. But when it's over we take a break to regroup, we don't schedule anything and enjoy doing nothing. I have learned those are okay, in moderation. They can even good time of busyness. I have great memories of the boys playing t-ball and my daughter playing soccer.
Yet, I have had long stretches of busyness as well. I worked in the nursery on Sundays at our church for 5 years. I have also served on Wens. nights for longer than that. On top of that I went MOMS group and now Bible study. Over a 5 year period of always serving (with good intentions) I felt run down! Yes, my list of involvement was impressive but inside, I was empty. I had to take a step back and realize what was important to do for me and my family. This is not my schedule any longer, I needed to change for me!
We all try to be Wonder Woman in some way. We serve everywhere we can, we never say no (unless we are already booked), or the kids are involved in everything possible so your always running, never enjoying. You have great intentions but there are a few steps Kristin Carlson mentions to help say good-bye to Wonder Woman.
1. Let go of the notion that you can do it all.
2. When you can't accomplish everything on you list, it doesn't mean your inadequate.
3. Be willing to ask for help when you need it.
Like I said yesterday I have finally realized that it's okay that I'm not a morning person, don't get up before the kids and that my house is not "perfect". I will always have things on my do-to list, no matter how much I finish but the kids will not always be here. This is only a season and then the season is gone.
Most of all #3 has been something to this day I have a hard time doing. I have the best in-laws, willing to take my kids and help out at any time but I never ask! Sometimes to my disadvantage. I need a break or help. This week I wanted to go school to help sign my daughter up for High School. It took everything in me to ask my mother-in-law to help. I feel bad asking someone else to help me so I can do something, even if it's something important! But as I get older I get better at asking and say good-bye to another piece of Wonder Woman !
Take a look today and see if there are there is a piece of Wonder Woman to say good-bye to. If you have found a balance for you and your family, that's awesome! I am still working on it everyday, sometimes I repeat my mistakes but that's okay! We are all growing and thank God that he is patient with us! Love you guys!