Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Chore Charts

My mother say's she called our chore chart growing up, "The Musty Dusty Cleaning". I don't remember it, though I do remember having chores. I can't tell you what they were but it's a part of growing up, whether you like it or not. And here I am, all grown up still having chores and now trying to teach my kids!

With 5 children my house is not company worthy 99% of the time! I love that feeling when that 1% arrives but it is always so short lived. My kids are pretty good about putting things away but they are kids and have to be reminded. Everyone complains or has excuses, so...

One day I was tired of the messes, tired of repeating myself on what to do every day. It's amazing how you can do the same thing every day yet no one remembers what it was! So I sat down on the computer looked up chore charts and created my own. When I was done I printed it out, put it on the fridge and showed all the kids. They each have their name, color and chore lists. I was pretty excited. Here is just two of the kids chore lists. They all look the same but the chores vary.It's been a few weeks of using our lists and I am in love with our chore charts. I wonder why I never had them before now! I don't have to follow them around. All I have to say is, "Go read your list" and they do. They can see what they need to do and when. I even made a Saturday chore list. Each of them has a chore list based on their age and what they are capable of doing. This past week I was gone on Saturday morning. I didn't get home until lunch time and they all surprised me by having their chores done before I got home! Had the list not been there that would never have happened!
Things run so much smoother now. Next project, How to get boys to clean together and not play!!! LOL. It's always something!

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