My oldest daughter, Aryianna got new bedding for Christmas and got a new bedroom in January. At the time we took down her day bed, stored it in the garage to put her new loft bed up. At the time I was not prepared to let go of the toddler beds in the younger girls room, so they stayed.
Now six months later, my daughter Akayla-Joy was outgrowing her toddler bed and I realized it was time. This past Saturday I got up the energy to not only clean and organize their room but pulled out the day bed, put it together and pulled out the toddler beds to the garage this time.
If your like me, your sentimental. I hang on to things that have meaning. I love the little things and hate change. I wanted my girls to have their toddler beds for as long as they could because it's the last time I will have toddler beds in the house. But as they all grown and I see the changes and have time to accept them, I realize the next faze is just as great as the one previously.
I am in love with their room now. Though Alaya is only going to be 3 in June and they are both small for their new "big girl" bed, it's perfect for them to share. As they grow up we have a trundle so they can add a mattress. But again, lets not jump step at a time for me! LOLEvery day I'm reminded in something little that the kids are getting bigger. The school year is ending which means they are now entering the next grade, they say something I don't expect or I notice they are taller when their pants are all of a sudden too short!
I just have to take a deep breathe and embrace the changes as they come!